Tourism needs to change its perception among young people and their parents if it is going to appeal as a strong career choice for the next generation.
The airline also says its New York service has been a “fantastic success” and could generate more than $65m in tourism activity in NZ.
Up to $10 in govt co-funding is available for individual projects that could help the sector decarbonise and improve productivity and resilience.
The tourism minister says attracting world-class events and living up to and protecting NZ’s clean, green image are helping the recovery.
The new initiative aims to showcase the positive impact that tourism has on communities and New Zealand.
We must do all we can to ensure visitors feel good about their choice to travel to NZ, says TIA’s CEO.
Jacinda Ardern says she will “mark a couple of milestones in our tourism sector” by speaking at Thursday’s event.
Registrations are now open for Tourism Summit Aotearoa and New Zealand Tourism Awards, which will both be held in Hamilton this year.