More than $28m has been committed to the Tourism ITP but the future of that funding is now uncertain.
More than $28m has been committed to tourism’s workstream but ACT plans to stop all govt work on ITPs.
Tourism Industry Aotearoa and the Tourism Environment Leadership Group are holding a webinar discussion exploring the draft Environment Action Plan tomorrow, 6 July.
Tourism stakeholders should engage with the draft Tourism Environment Action Plan to help shape the sector’s influence on the environment, say industry leaders.
Regeneration tourism projects and a regular national tourism strategy are also proposed in the 91-page document.
An accelerator programme, a tech expo, and industry workshops to foster innovation will be among the initiatives funded from $18.22m provided to tourism in Budget 2023.
The tourism minister says it will address ongoing challenges in the workforce and create a new standard for employment.
Troute backs the government’s new Better Work Action Plan calling it both “practical and transformational”.
The association has made a number of recommendations to improve the govt’s Better Work Action Plan for tourism.
The tourism minister notes “challenging questions” over the funding and execution of the tourism ITP.
The Restaurant Association is calling the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Better Work Action Plan a ‘duplication’ of work it completed in its own roadmap more than a year ago.
The ITP does not set out to solve immediate challenges such as the current labour shortage.
The National Party has criticised the government’s Industry Transformation Plan for tourism as having little impact on the current staff shortages the sector is facing.
The ITP recommends eight actions to improve the sector’s workforce.
MBIE is calling on a wide range of applicants to join a Tourism Data Co-governance Group to boost the quality of tourism data and insights.
A two-day industry brainstorm generates ideas to build and enhance the sector’s workforce.
Tourism minister Stuart Nash unveils the industry leaders who will develop the initiative.