Events | Tourism Ticker The Business of Tourism Mon, 04 Mar 2024 20:20:33 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 212885728 Dunedin paints town pink for Pink Mon, 04 Mar 2024 18:03:00 +0000 Dunedin operators are painting the town pink to celebrate the arrival of pop singer Pink who is playing at Forsyth Barr Stadium tonight.

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Perspectives: Do major sporting events really benefit destinations? It depends Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:35:00 +0000 Investment in major events to promote less-frequented destinations may be a better option for tourism compared to popular hubs like Paris.

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Investment in major events to promote less-frequented destinations may be a better option for tourism compared to popular hubs like Paris, writes Europe-based researcher Ivan Savin.

Large-scale sporting events in Europe over the last few decades brought little in terms of tourist inflow. Image: philriley427, Pixabay

After a long battle, Paris’s beloved bouquinistes will be staying put this summer. The decision, announced on 13 February by the French government, came after considerable public backlash to the police prefecture’s original plan to move part of the iconic Seine booksellers elsewhere for the inauguration of the Olympics Games on 26 July.

Meanwhile, less than six months away from the event, Parisians continue to grumble over a lack of consultations with locals, warnings of gridlocked traffic, closed metro stations, extensive video surveillance and other grievances. So for host countries, what was the point of the Olympics, again?

In academia, the debate about the potential positive and negative effects of large-scale sporting events is ongoing. Although these events are often associated with substantial economic losses, the long-term benefits are the main argument in favour of hosting them. These include the development of material and soft infrastructure such as hotels, restaurants or parks. Big games can also help put the host region on the map as an attractive place for sports and cultural events, and inspire a better entrepreneurial climate.

The pros and the cons of big sporting events?

The cost of these benefits, as the Parisians have realised, is steep. Host countries appear to suffer from increased tax burdens, low returns on public investments, high construction costs, and onerous running cost of facilities after the event.

Communities can also be blighted by noise, pollution, and damage to the environment, while increased criminal activity and potential conflicts between locals and visitors can take a toll on their quality of life. As a result, in the recent past several major cities, including Rome and Hamburg, withdrew their bids to host the games.

A common feature of the economics of large-scale sporting events is that our expectations of them are more optimistic than what we make of them once they have taken place. Typically, expenditure tends to tip over the original budget, while the revenue-side indicators (such as the number of visitors) are rarely achieved.

When analysing the effect of hosting large-scale sporting events on tourist visits, it is important to take into consideration both the positive and negative components of the overall effect. While positive effects may be associated with visitors, negative effects may arise when “regular” tourists refuse to visit the location due to the event.

This might be because of overloaded infrastructure, sharp increases in accommodation costs, and inconveniences associated with overcrowding or raucous or/and violent visitors. On top of that, reports of poverty or crime in the global media can actually undermine the location’s attractiveness.

When big sporting events crowd out regular tourists

In an article published in the Journal of Sports Economics with Igor Drapkin and Ilya Zverev, I assess the effects of hosting large-scale sporting events, such as Winter and Summer Olympics plus FIFA World Cups, on international tourist visits.

We utilise a comprehensive dataset on flow of tourists covering the world’s largest destination and origin countries between 1995 and 2019. As a first step, we built an econometric model that effectively predicts the flow of tourists between any pair of countries in our data. Subsequently we compared the predicted tourist inflow in a hypothetical scenario where no large-scale sporting event would have taken place with the actual figures.

If the actual figures exceed the predicted ones, we consider the event to have a net positive impact. Otherwise, we consider that it had a “crowding out” effect on “regular” tourists. While conducting this analysis, we distinguished between short-term (i.e., focusing just on the year of the event) and mid-term (year of the event plus three subsequent years).

Our results show that the effects of large-scale sporting events vary a lot across host countries: The World Cup in Japan and South Korea 2002 and South Africa 2010 were associated with a distinct increase in tourist arrivals, whereas all other World Cups were either neutral or negative.

Among the Summer Olympics, China in 2008 is the only case with a significant positive effect on tourist inflows. The effects of the other four events (Australia 2000, Greece 2004, Great Britain 2012, and Brazil 2016) were found to be negative in the short- and medium-term. As for the Winter Olympics, the only positive case is Russia in 2014. The remaining five events had a negative impact except the one-year neutral effect for Japan 1998.

Following large-scale sporting events, host countries are therefore typically less visited by tourists. Out of the 18 hosting countries studied, 11 saw tourist numbers decline over four years, and three did not experience a significant change.

Large-scale sporting events in Asia and Africa help promote their host countries as tourist destinations. Image: Saravandy Soeung, Pexels

The case for cautious optimism

Our research indicates that the positive effect of hosting large-scale sporting events on tourist inflows is, at best, moderate. While many tourists are attracted by FIFA World Cups and Olympic games, the crowding-out effect of “regular” tourists is strong and often underestimated.

This implies that tourists visiting for an event like the Olympics typically dissuade those who would have come for other reasons. Thus, efforts to attract new visitors should be accompanied by efforts to retain the already existing ones.

Large-scale sporting events should be considered as part of a long-term policy for promoting a territory to tourists rather than a standalone solution. Revealingly, our results indicate that it is easier to get a net increase in tourist inflows in countries that are less frequent destinations for tourists – for example, those in Asia or Africa. By contrast, the United States and Europe, both of which are traditionally popular with tourists, have no single case of a net positive effect.

Put differently, the large-scale sporting events in Asia and Africa helped promote their host countries as tourist destinations, making the case for the initial investment. In the US and Europe, however, those in the last few decades brought little return, at least in terms of tourist inflow.

Ivan Savin is associate professor of quantitative analytics and a research fellow at ICTA-UAB at the ESCP Business School in Europe.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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]]> 0 129664
Thousands head to Taupō for IRONMAN Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:20:00 +0000 More than 2,000 athletes and many more supporters will compete in this weekend’s IRONMAN New Zealand event in Taupō.

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Wellington’s Lunar NY Festival attracts 12k Mon, 19 Feb 2024 18:05:00 +0000 Around 12,000 people converged on Wellington's waterfront on Saturday night for the fireworks event at the Lunar New Year Festival.

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Perspectives: The value of mega events for tourism Wed, 14 Feb 2024 18:35:00 +0000 Big events are a growing share of the tourism market and can provide important economic opportunities for destinations.

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Big events are a growing share of the tourism market and can provide important economic opportunities for destinations, writes Florida tourism researcher Rachel Fu.

Event tourism requires knowing how to leverage digital platforms, engage global audiences, and create compelling brand narratives. Image: Oleksandr Baiev, Unsplash

In late 2023, I embarked on my first Formula One race experience, attending the first-ever Las Vegas Grand Prix. I had never been to an F1 race; my interest was sparked during the pandemic, largely through the Netflix series Formula 1: Drive to Survive.

But I wasn’t just attending as a fan. As the inaugural chair of the University of Florida’s department of tourism, hospitality and event management, I saw this as an opportunity. Big events and festivals represent a growing share of the tourism market – as an educator, I want to prepare future leaders to manage them.

And what better place to learn how to do that than in the stands of the Las Vegas Grand Prix?

The future of tourism is in events and experiences

Tourism is fun, but it’s also big business: In the United States alone, it’s a US$2.6tr industry employing 15 million people. And with travellers increasingly planning their trips around events rather than places, both industry leaders and academics are paying attention.

Event tourism is also key to many cities’ economic development strategies – think Chicago and its annual Lollapalooza music festival, which has been hosted in Grant Park since 2005. In 2023, Lollapalooza generated an estimated US$422m for the local economy and drew record-breaking crowds to the city’s hotels.

That’s why when Formula One announced it would be making a 10-year commitment to host races in Las Vegas, the region’s tourism agency was eager to spread the news. The 2023 grand prix eventually generated US$100m in tax revenue, the head of that agency later announced.

Why Formula One?

Formula One offers a prime example of the economic importance of event tourism. In 2022, Formula One generated about US$2.6bn in total revenues, according to the latest full-year data from its parent company. That’s up 20% from 2021 and 27% from 2019, the last pre-Covid year. A record 5.7 million fans attended Formula One races in 2022, up 36% from 2019.

This surge in interest can be attributed to expanded broadcasting rights, sponsorship deals and a growing global fan base. And, of course, the in-person events make a lot of money – the cheapest tickets to the Las Vegas Grand Prix were US$500.

That’s why I think of Formula One as more than just a pastime: It’s emblematic of a major shift in the tourism industry that offers substantial job opportunities. And it takes more than drivers and pit crews to make Formula One run – it takes a diverse range of professionals in fields such as event management, marketing, engineering and beyond.

This rapid industry growth indicates an opportune moment for universities to adapt their hospitality and business curricula and prepare students for careers in this profitable field.

Event tourism is key to many cities’ economic development strategies. Image: Mark Angelo Sampan, Pexels

How hospitality and business programmes should prepare students

To align with the evolving landscape of mega-events like Formula One races, hospitality schools should, I believe, integrate specialised training in event management, luxury hospitality and international business. Courses focusing on large-scale event planning, VIP client management and cross-cultural communication are essential.

Another area for curriculum enhancement is sustainability and innovation in hospitality. Formula One, like many other companies, has increased its emphasis on environmental responsibility in recent years. While some critics have been skeptical of this push, I think it makes sense. After all, the event tourism industry both contributes to climate change and is threatened by it. So, programmes may consider incorporating courses in sustainable event management, eco-friendly hospitality practices and innovations in sustainable event and tourism.

Additionally, business programmes may consider emphasising strategic marketing, brand management and digital media strategies for F1 and for the larger event-tourism space. As both continue to evolve, understanding how to leverage digital platforms, engage global audiences and create compelling brand narratives becomes increasingly important.

Beyond hospitality and business, other disciplines such as material sciences, engineering and data analytics can also integrate F1 into their curricula. Given the younger generation’s growing interest in motorsports, embedding F1 case studies and projects in these programmes can enhance student engagement and provide practical applications of theoretical concepts.

Racing into the future: Formula One today and tomorrow

F1 has boosted its outreach to younger audiences in recent years and has also acted to strengthen its presence in the U.S., a market with major potential for the sport. The 2023 Las Vegas race was a strategic move in this direction. These decisions, along with the continued growth of the sport’s fan base and sponsorship deals, underscore F1’s economic significance and future potential.

Looking ahead in 2024, Formula One seems ripe for further expansion. New races, continued advancements in broadcasting technology and evolving sponsorship models are expected to drive revenue growth. And Season 6 of “Drive to Survive” will be released on Feb. 23, 2024. We already know that was effective marketing – after all, it inspired me to check out the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

I’m more sure than ever that big events like this will play a major role in the future of tourism – a message I’ll be imparting to my students. And in my free time, I’m planning to enhance my quality of life in 2024 by synchronising my vacations with the F1 calendar. After all, nothing says “relaxing getaway” quite like the roar of engines and excitement of the racetrack.

Rachel J.C. Fu is chair and professor of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, director of the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute, and affiliate professor of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management at the University of Florida.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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]]> 0 128946
Auckland turns up the events heat for summer Wed, 14 Feb 2024 18:00:00 +0000 Auckland has more than 15 festivals on the way over the next two months.

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Street food event coming to Christchurch Tue, 13 Feb 2024 18:05:00 +0000 Foodies Local Guides is launching a new event in Christchurch this March to celebrate the vibrant world of street food.

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Mountain bike event relocated due to fire risk Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:00:00 +0000 Nine tracks around Picton's Victoria Domain will be closed on Sunday for the fourth round of the Mountain Bike New Zealand National Cross Country Series 2024.

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Inaugural gin festival for Greytown Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:00:00 +0000 A new gin festival is launching in Greytown, Wairarapa this year.

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Govt allocates $300k to Waitangi events Wed, 31 Jan 2024 18:15:02 +0000 About $300,000 has been allocated to 35 community events commemorating Waitangi Day around the country.

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Inaugural NZ cliff diving event attracts 55k visitors Sun, 28 Jan 2024 18:25:00 +0000 The Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series at Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter over the weekend attracted 55,000 spectators across the two days, says organisers.

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Major diving event debuts in Auckland Thu, 25 Jan 2024 18:05:00 +0000 The inaugural Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series is taking place at Wynyard Quarter in Auckland this weekend.

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Up to 30k visitors expected for inaugural NZ cliff diving event Mon, 15 Jan 2024 18:25:00 +0000 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series organisers are anticipating crowds of up to 30,000 across the two-day event in Auckland on 27-28 January 2024.

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RealNZ, Pāmu support Mavora Explorer event Mon, 15 Jan 2024 18:05:00 +0000 RealNZ has partnered with Pāmu to sponsor the mountain biking and running event The Mavora Explorer on 27 January 2024.

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Taupō preps for thousands of IRONMAN visitors Tue, 05 Dec 2023 18:23:00 +0000 Around 1,300 competitors are expected in Taupō this Saturday for IRONMAN 70.3.

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Northland Regional Events fund opens Thu, 09 Nov 2023 18:15:00 +0000 The final 2023 round of submissions for the Northland Regional Events Fund have now opened.

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]]> 0 125193
Beervana sets 2024 dates Wed, 08 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Beervana will return to Wellington's Sky Stadium on 23 and 24 August 2024.

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Large Auckland event postponed due to rāhui Mon, 06 Nov 2023 18:22:00 +0000 A diving event due to be held in Auckland this month has been postponed to respect a rāhui put in place from the ongoing effects of a sinkhole and waste discharging into the Waitematā Harbour.

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NZ’s largest outdoor art event back after 5 years Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:23:00 +0000 New Zealand’s largest outdoor art event is returning to Auckland’s Fort Takapuna this weekend.

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Auckland’s Diwali Festival to attract 100k visitors Tue, 31 Oct 2023 18:22:00 +0000 Up to 100,000 people could line the streets of Auckland's central city this weekend for the Diwali Festival, according to Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.

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…while Mackenzie Regional Events Fund opens Mon, 30 Oct 2023 18:10:00 +0000 Applications for the next Mackenzie Regional Events Fund open tomorrow, 1 November, for events to be held in 2024 between 1 February and 31 December.

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Auckland Marathon readies for 14k competitors Tue, 24 Oct 2023 18:10:00 +0000 More than 14,000 people are expected to put their best feet forward for the Auckland Marathon this weekend.

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Mountain biking event generates $2.4m Thu, 19 Oct 2023 18:20:00 +0000 The Skoda Cycling NZ Schools National Mountain Bike Championships earlier this month attracted around 1,400 people, including close to 500 riders.

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Raglan Arts Weekend returns for 13th year Wed, 18 Oct 2023 18:00:00 +0000 The Raglan Arts Weekend is returning to the beachside town for its 13th year over Labour Weekend.

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Armageddon Auckland to attract 50k fans Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:10:00 +0000 More than 50,000 people are expected to attend the Armageddon festival at Auckland Showgrounds over Labour Weekend.

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Voting opens for NZ’s favourite event Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:05:00 +0000 The New Zealand Events Association has opened public nominations for New Zealand’s Favourite Event.

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Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge to attract thousands Wed, 04 Oct 2023 18:15:00 +0000 Thousands of athletes and supporters from New Zealand and overseas will descend on Taupō next month for the 45th anniversary of the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.

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Auckland’s Santa Parade returns for 90th anniversary Wed, 04 Oct 2023 18:00:00 +0000 The Farmers Santa Parade in Auckland is back for its 90th year.

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Meat fest coming to Hamilton Wed, 27 Sep 2023 18:00:00 +0000 The Meatstock Festival's food, music, and barbecue is coming to Mystery Creek Events Centre in Hamilton.

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Tauranga gears up for eventful summer Tue, 26 Sep 2023 18:10:00 +0000 Tauranga is lining up for an economic boost this summer from a varied lineup of events, music and entertainment.

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New Commercial Bay show attracts 1,000 Sun, 24 Sep 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Close to 1,000 people descended on Auckland's Commercial Bay on Saturday for the Solstice Fashion Show.

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Govt provides $5m for Taupō Supercars Thu, 21 Sep 2023 19:27:00 +0000 The government is contributing $5m to the future of Supercars events in New Zealand.

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Wellington Heritage Festival returns Thu, 21 Sep 2023 19:00:00 +0000 The Wellington Heritage Festival is set to showcase Te Whanganui-a-Tara and the region's multicultural history once again.

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BEIA Conference: Post-Covid business events rush slows, but market strong Tue, 19 Sep 2023 19:40:00 +0000 But delegate numbers remain as strong as ever, say business events leaders.

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Artweek In The City an Auckland affair Mon, 18 Sep 2023 19:02:00 +0000 Art is returning to Auckland CBD as part of Heart of the City's Artweek In The City event next month.

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Perspectives: Managed response to extreme weather crucial for events industry Tue, 05 Sep 2023 19:35:00 +0000 Festival organisers need to be able to manage their response to extreme weather events as summers are increasingly plagued by flooding and heatwaves.

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Festival and events organisers need to be able to manage their response to extreme weather events as summers are increasingly plagued by flooding and heatwaves, writes Andrew King from the University of Melbourne.

Weather events can be managed with contingency plans and adequate infrastructure. Image: Divya Agrawal, Unsplash

Climate activists lined the road to this year’s Burning Man festival in Nevada to call out the “privileged mindset” of the Silicon Valley types who flock there – and the waste involved in creating a temporary city in the desert.

Only a couple of days later, disaster struck. Unprecedented rain – 20mm in 24 hours – turned the desert into mud, trapping the 70,000 festival goers.

As you might expect, the internet went wild with schadenfreude. But there’s a deeper issue here. This is not the first – and won’t be the last – outdoor festival upended by unprecedented weather. It was only a month ago when the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea was crippled by intense heat and typhoons, forcing its abandonment. Last year’s Splendour in the Grass festival in northern New South Wales turned into a mudpit after unprecedented rains.

Outdoor festivals are a summer rite of passage for many. Warm weather makes them possible. But summer’s when we often see the wildest weather too. As climate change loads the dice, we’ll see more festival disruptions, more often.

Summer may no longer be the right time for festivals

The biggest music festivals are usually held in summer months: Glastonbury in the United Kingdom and Tomorrowland in Belgium are held in the northern hemisphere summer, in late June and late July respectively. America’s Coachella festival takes place in April, but it’s in a desert where daytime temperatures over 30℃ are the norm.

As the world heats up, summer may soon be too risky for festival organisers. Creating large festivals is expensive and logistically challenging. Wipeouts from extreme weather events pose major financial risks.

When we go to festivals, we leave behind our houses and easy access to water. Many people camp in tents with relatively little protection from the elements.

During heatwaves, it’s particularly important to stay out of the heat and sun in the middle of the day and to stay hydrated. This isn’t always possible at festivals. Many of us underestimate the effect of heat on our bodies.

Extreme rainfall is very challenging for organisers. Managing tens of thousands of muddy, stuck people is hard – especially if it’s too difficult to bring supplies in. That’s why Burning Man organisers had to call on their attendees to conserve food and water.

If you have tens or even hundreds of thousands of people exposed to the heatwave or rainfall, it can pose a risk to their health. Evacuating large numbers of people is logistically very challenging.

As the climate changes, we can expect more frequent and more severe extreme weather. This will make the job of festival organiser much harder.

Organisation matters

Well-organised festivals are much safer. If organisers think ahead and put contingency plans and adequate infrastructure in place, the chaos from extreme weather events can be much better managed.

For instance, during the trouble-stricken Scout Jamboree in Korea, there were real concerns over the intense heat, given children are more vulnerable.

But the heat shouldn’t have been a surprise. The event was held at the height of summer – albeit in a year of record breaking heat. So organisers should have anticipated heat and put in place better strategies to manage extreme weather. A simpler solution might have been avoiding the middle of summer.

What are we likely to see in the future?

Extreme weather hitting festivals isn’t new. The legendary 1969 Woodstock festival in New York State was also a mud pit.

What is new is the increased frequency and intensity of these events. Climate scientists have warned of these effects for decades. Now they’re arriving.

As we heat the planet, we’re getting more frequent, intense and longer-lasting heatwaves across the world. We also know we’re seeing more and more intense short-duration downpours which cause flash flooding.

It stands to reason we can expect to see more upheaval and health concerns at outdoor festivals.

What can be done? Expect to see festival dates move to shoulder seasons rather than midsummer. Some locations may no longer be viable. Last year’s Burning Man sweltered, with temperatures of 40℃.

If festival organisers don’t want to move date or location, the minimum response they’ll need is to actively plan to manage extreme weather and ensure key infrastructure like water and toilets are able to cope with heat or floods.

If the world keeps pumping out greenhouse gas emissions at high rates, we could see some summer festival locations get much hotter – rising 4–8℃. That’s because land areas in summer are expected to heat up quicker than the global average. Those higher temperatures would make it impossible to safely host a festival.

Andrew King is a senior lecturer in climate science at the University of Melbourne. This article is republished in accordance with the Creative Commons. Read the original article here.

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Tauranga visitor boost from games Mon, 28 Aug 2023 18:40:00 +0000 Around 20,000 people are expected to visit Tauranga for the Zespri AIMS Games from 2 - 8 September.

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Calmer season, fewer events, stronger sales – NZEA on summer hopes Tue, 08 Aug 2023 19:30:00 +0000 Last season saw an oversupply of events, which hurt ticket sales.

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Large events still to come after World Cup for Wellington Tue, 08 Aug 2023 18:10:00 +0000 Wellington will be hosting fireworks, footy, foodie events and films over the coming months, with a lot to follow its hosting of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023.

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Napier Winter Deco Festival attracts internationals Thu, 20 Jul 2023 18:15:00 +0000 Napier's Winter Deco Festival is an international affair this year, with ticket sales attracting visitors from the United States and Australia.

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World Cup countdown: “Huge opportunity” for tourism – PM Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:40:00 +0000 Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says the FIFA Women's World Cup is a big opportunity for New Zealand tourism.

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World Cup countdown: 13k overseas visitors, $18m spend expected for Waikato Sun, 16 Jul 2023 19:40:00 +0000 The FIFA Women's World Cup could bring more than 12,500 international travellers to and around Waikato during the tournament, according to Hamilton & Waikato Tourism.

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New Rotorua festival aims for 3k runners Sun, 09 Jul 2023 18:35:00 +0000 A new Rotorua festival targeting marathon lovers aims to attract 3,000 people at its first event on 10-11 November.

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SailGP generates $8m visitor spend for Christchurch Wed, 05 Jul 2023 18:55:00 +0000 The Sail Grand Prix generated $13.9m for Christchurch’s regional economy and contributed to total visitor spend of $8.1m, according to the event’s organiser.

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$70k available for Coromandel events Wed, 05 Jul 2023 18:35:00 +0000 Up to $70,000 is on offer for initiatives through Coromandel Regional Events Fund when it opens for applications next week.

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Hokitika wearable arts comp goes national, adds exhibition Tue, 04 Jul 2023 18:15:00 +0000 Hokitika’s Junk2Funk wearable arts event is going national, with registration open to people all over the country and a month-long exhibition at the Hokitika Heritage Park.

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MEETINGS 2023: South Island business events opportunity Wed, 21 Jun 2023 19:50:10 +0000 Southern venues are seeing significant growth thanks to increased investment and development.

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More than 105k visitors attend Fieldays Tue, 20 Jun 2023 18:55:00 +0000 The largest agricultural event in Southern Hemisphere attracted just over 105,000 attendees over its four days.

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Upper Hutt opens event funding Thu, 01 Jun 2023 18:20:00 +0000 Upper Hutt City Council is now accepting applications from local event organisers to support a range of diverse events in the city.

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Cyclone support focus for Napier Winter Deco festival Tue, 30 May 2023 18:15:00 +0000 The Napier Art Deco Trust is gearing up for a special Winter Deco festival in July.

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