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Tuesday 05 March 2024
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Regulation & Policy

Air NZ, Singapore Airlines to add more seasonal services
29 Feb 2024   /

Air NZ, Singapore Airlines to add more seasonal services

The government has approved Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines extending their joint venture alliance for another five years.

…and the airline lodges a complaint with ComCom over Auckland Airport charges
22 Feb 2024   / /

…and the airline lodges a complaint with ComCom over Auckland Airport charges

BARNZ labels the airport a “monopoly of monopolies” but the complaints about overspending are rejected by Auckland Airport.

Airport CEO leads Cook Strait ferry advisory group
16 Feb 2024   /

Airport CEO leads Cook Strait ferry advisory group

An independent ministerial advisory group led by Nelson Airport’s chief executive Mark Thompson has been set up to determine the future of KiwiRail’s Interislander service.

Govt scraps Auckland fuel tax
9 Feb 2024  

Govt scraps Auckland fuel tax

The government says it will scrap Auckland’s regional fuel tax on 30 June 2024.

Govt pushes RMA changes to promote growth
8 Feb 2024   /

Govt pushes RMA changes to promote growth

The government is pushing forward with changes to the Resource Management Act to free up regulations deemed to be stifling economic growth.

Minimum wage increase slated for April
2 Feb 2024  

Minimum wage increase slated for April

The minimum wage is increasing by 2% from $22.70 to $23.15 per hour from 1 April.

Airports appeal to High Court over ComCom decisions
1 Feb 2024   /

Airports appeal to High Court over ComCom decisions

Auckland Airport and the New Zealand Airports Association are among those lodging notices of appeal with the High Court for a merits review into the Commerce Commission’s Input Methodologies decisions.

Govt ending Productivity Commission
31 Jan 2024  

Govt ending Productivity Commission

The government is taking steps under urgency to disestablish the Productivity Commission and the Productivity Act 2010.

“Timing completely wrong” for EV road charges – EV tour operator
17 Jan 2024   /

“Timing completely wrong” for EV road charges – EV tour operator

There are fears the ending of the RUC exemption, as well as the stopping of the Clean Car Discount, will hurt the uptake of greener transport.

Regulation biggest challenge for Kiwi homesharers –
10 Nov 2023  

Regulation biggest challenge for Kiwi homesharers –

Kiwi holiday homeowners who offer their properties to guests feel challenged by government regulations, managing bookings and how to transform their spaces into short-term rentals.

Perspectives: Whakaari case alters accepted risk in tourism
3 Nov 2023   /

Perspectives: Whakaari case alters accepted risk in tourism

Responsibilities around risk are not just limited to operators.

Online gambling regulation needed to tackle fake sites – SkyCity
1 Nov 2023   /

Online gambling regulation needed to tackle fake sites – SkyCity

SkyCity Entertainment Group has called for the regulation of online gambling in New Zealand to help stamp out fraud and rogue gambling sites.

Election 2023: What the parties have promised for tourism
13 Oct 2023   /

Election 2023: What the parties have promised for tourism

An IVL review, a new Great Walk, and more value on Māori are among the pledges that have been made during the campaign.

QLDC seeks feedback on waterway bylaw
12 Oct 2023  

QLDC seeks feedback on waterway bylaw

Queenstown Lakes District Council is engaging with the public to help develop a new waterway navigation bylaw.

Six new marine reserves for South Island
6 Oct 2023  

Six new marine reserves for South Island

Six new marine reserves will be established between Oamaru and The Catlins to better protect the ocean and biodiversity.

TECNZ election manifesto: Milford Sound access, DOC concessions, visas
5 Oct 2023   /

TECNZ election manifesto: Milford Sound access, DOC concessions, visas

The industry group lays out the tourism challenges it wants the next govt to tackle.

Perspectives: Is tourism ready for mandatory emissions reporting?
5 Oct 2023   /

Perspectives: Is tourism ready for mandatory emissions reporting?

Growing demands for sustainability disclosures present challenges for tourism, write Christopher Imbsen from the World Travel & Tourism Council and Dan Darcy from management consultancy Oliver Wyman.

Special legal protection for freshwater springs
22 Sep 2023   /

Special legal protection for freshwater springs

Te Waikoropupū Springs near Takaka in Golden Bay will be the first water body in 10 years to receive special legal protection.

New freedom camping rules causing concern – RVA
19 Sep 2023  

New freedom camping rules causing concern – RVA

The Rental Vehicle Association of New Zealand says changes to freedom camping regulations are causing concern in the industry.

Revamped Wildlife Act to provide stronger biodiversity protection
11 Sep 2023   /

Revamped Wildlife Act to provide stronger biodiversity protection

New Zealand’s Wildlife Act will be revamped to better protect native species and improve biodiversity, says Conservation Minister Willow-Jean Prime.

Election 2023: ‘More detail please’ – tourism leaders on politicians’ promises
8 Sep 2023   /

Election 2023: ‘More detail please’ – tourism leaders on politicians’ promises

Labour and National’s tourism priorities have received a mixed reception from the sector with more detail top of the wishlist for stakeholder groups.

Airports Association releases aviation manifesto
8 Sep 2023   /

Airports Association releases aviation manifesto

Greater connectivity, a path for low and zero-carbon aviation, and future-proofing infrastructure are among the key recommendations in the New Zealand Airports Association’s election policy manifesto for the future government.

New adventure regime prompts survey into tourism disclosure needs
4 Sep 2023   /

New adventure regime prompts survey into tourism disclosure needs

Operators and travel sellers face new risk rules – what are the gaps that need to be filled?

QLDC enacts bylaw on commercial pub crawls
4 Sep 2023  

QLDC enacts bylaw on commercial pub crawls

A new Queenstown bylaw has put in place new rules around events and commercial activities in public spaces.

Hauraki Gulf protection bill passes first reading
31 Aug 2023   /

Hauraki Gulf protection bill passes first reading

A bill to protect the Hauraki Gulf has passed its first reading in parliament.

BYATA Conference: Adventure tourism must prep for new era managing risk – TIA’s Ingram
29 Aug 2023   /

BYATA Conference: Adventure tourism must prep for new era managing risk – TIA’s Ingram

Operators will have to up their game to meet the changes in risk communication required under the government’s new rules for adventure activities, says Tourism Industry Aotearoa chief executive Rebecca Ingram.

Govt shores up jet fuel supply resilience
25 Aug 2023  

Govt shores up jet fuel supply resilience

New legislation to ensure the resilience and security of New Zealand’s fuel supply – including jet fuel – has passed its third reading in parliament.

Tourism to benefit from new Hauraki Gulf plan – WWF
23 Aug 2023  

Tourism to benefit from new Hauraki Gulf plan – WWF

WWF New Zealand says tourism is a potential beneficiary of new legislation to protect and restore the Hauraki Gulf.

New rules for adventure operators in wake of Whakaari disaster
17 Aug 2023   /

New rules for adventure operators in wake of Whakaari disaster

Better risk communication, improved hazard monitoring, and more powers for WorkSafe are among the changes.

Gender pay gap reporting on cards for large businesses
14 Aug 2023  

Gender pay gap reporting on cards for large businesses

The government is moving ahead with plans to implement a pay gap reporting system for large organisations.

Hauraki Gulf protection plan welcomed
10 Aug 2023   /

Hauraki Gulf protection plan welcomed

Conservation and environment groups have welcomed the government’s plan to nearly triple the Hauraki Gulf protection area with 19 new marine protection areas.

Govt triples Hauraki Gulf protection area
9 Aug 2023  

Govt triples Hauraki Gulf protection area

The government is nearly tripling the Hauraki Gulf protection area with 19 new marine protection areas.

Cellar door sales bill introduced in Parliament
3 Aug 2023   /

Cellar door sales bill introduced in Parliament

A members’ bill to make it easier for wineries to sell samples at the cellar door has had its first reading in Parliament.

Greens seek better protection for dolphins
31 Jul 2023   /

Greens seek better protection for dolphins

The Green Party has lodged a members’ bill to help protect marine mammals.

Hospitality NZ welcomes longer trading hours for special events
25 Jul 2023  

Hospitality NZ welcomes longer trading hours for special events

Hospitality New Zealand has welcomed new legislation that will enable venues to extend trading hours during the Rugby World Cup without needing a special licence.

Nats propose hunting & fishing minister, new DOC huts partnership
24 Jul 2023   /

Nats propose hunting & fishing minister, new DOC huts partnership

The party says a ‘Huts of Recreational Importance’ initiative will help maintain accommodation on the DOC estate.

Hospo can open longer for Rugby World Cup
20 Jul 2023   /

Hospo can open longer for Rugby World Cup

Hospitality businesses can open longer for the men’s Rugby World Cup after the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Rugby World Cup 2023 Extended Trading Hours) Amendment Bill passed its third reading.

Bill to help reduce payment wait for small businesses passes
20 Jul 2023   /

Bill to help reduce payment wait for small businesses passes

The Business Payment Practices Bill, which will reduce the stress and costs to small businesses of long payment wait times, has passed its third reading. 

Airbnb moots visitor levy, code of conduct for NZ accom
30 Jun 2023  

Airbnb moots visitor levy, code of conduct for NZ accom

An opt-in sustainable visitor levy for local councils to apply to accommodation providers is amongst the measures that Airbnb is proposing to manage New Zealand’s short term accommodation sector.

Booze bill could be “major blow” for wine tourism – NZ Winegrowers
12 Jun 2023  

Booze bill could be “major blow” for wine tourism – NZ Winegrowers

The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill could be a major blow for the country’s wine tourism, says New Zealand Winegrowers.

Updated freedom camping rules come into law
12 Jun 2023  

Updated freedom camping rules come into law

The Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Bill, also known as the Freedom Camping Bill, has come into effect as law from 7 June.

CAA, industry launch emerging aviation tech forum
6 Jun 2023  

CAA, industry launch emerging aviation tech forum

The Civil Aviation Authority and government and industry partners have launched a new forum designed to foster closer collaboration to help guide emerging technologies in the sector.

Freedom camping changes good for the environment – govt
1 Jun 2023  

Freedom camping changes good for the environment – govt

The Self-Contained Motor Vehicle Legislation Bill has passed its third reading, marking a milestone in the government’s efforts to manage the impacts of freedom camping, says Tourism Minister Peeni Henare.

SkyCity urges online casino regulation after govt moves on digital sports betting
24 May 2023   /

SkyCity urges online casino regulation after govt moves on digital sports betting

SkyCity says the government’s decision to regulate online betting on horse racing should be extended to the fast-growing virtual casino market.

TAIC calls for harnessing of commercial balloon pilots after ejections
18 May 2023   /

TAIC calls for harnessing of commercial balloon pilots after ejections

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has recommended the mandating of pilot restraint harnesses during critical phases of commercial balloon flights.

New offences created under proposed Customs law
18 May 2023   /

New offences created under proposed Customs law

Visitors to New Zealand who provide false or no arrival information could face new penalties as part of changes to the Customs and Excise (Arrival Information) Amendment Bill.

Govt extending trading for hospo during Rugby World Cup
10 May 2023   /

Govt extending trading for hospo during Rugby World Cup

Licensed hospitality businesses will be able to stay open for longer during the Rugby World Cup from September.

CAA working on helicopter night flying rules following crash
20 Apr 2023   /

CAA working on helicopter night flying rules following crash

The CAA says it is taking action to address and implement stronger safety measures for night flying following a helicopter crash four years ago.

Last day for feedback on changes to adventure rules
18 Apr 2023   /

Last day for feedback on changes to adventure rules

Today is the final day for submissions on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s draft amendments to the Health and Safety at Work (Adventure Activities) regulations.

…with ComCom to investigate Interislander, StraitNZ over ferry issues
11 Apr 2023   /

…with ComCom to investigate Interislander, StraitNZ over ferry issues

The Commerce Commission is launching an investigation into Interislander and StraitNZ, the owner of Bluebridge, about the ongoing ferry delays and cancellations.