Sky City Entertainment Group has secured debt covenant waivers from its banking syndicate and US Private Placement holders for the 30 June 2022 testing period.
SkyCity Entertainment Group says it will operate its New Zealand properties without restrictions on mass gatherings and physical distancing from today.
Auckland’s Sky Tower will light up in green and gold on Wednesday 13 April to celebrate the return of Australian travellers to New Zealand.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has completed its $39.5m equity investment in Gaming Innovation Group, following settlement of GiG’s acquisition of Sportnco Gaming SAS on 1 April 2022.
SkyCity’s Sky Tower will glow purple this evening for today’s International Women’s Day in support of diversity and inclusion in New Zealand.
The casino and hotel operator is in hunker down mode as it controls costs before any meaningful return of international tourists.
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SkyCity Casino Hamilton has been named a Covid-19 location of interest after a Covid-19 case visited between 5.33pm-6.38pm on Tuesday 25 January.
SkyCity Hotel Group has unveiled its new SkyCity Hotel Premium Family Suites at Auckland.
SkyCity says it has successfully secured a debt covenant waiver from its banking syndicate and US private placement holders.
SkyCity Entertainment Group says it expects to re-open its casino, entertainment and accommodation facilities in Auckland from 3 December 2021.
SkyCity operations have been hurt by trading environments in New Zealand and Australia so far in the first half of the financial year, the casino operator said in an update to investors today.
Contractor ructions, inferno, and now Covid pushes delivery out but SkyCity remains sanguine about the future.
The policy will also apply to its 2,900 employees in New Zealand, as well as contractors on its sites.
The operator says Campbell wants to focus on other work commitments.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has closed its Hamilton casino after the city went into Covid-19 alert level 3 lockdown overnight.
SkyCity Entertainment has opened its Hamilton and Queenstown casinos today in line with the drop to Covid-19 alert level 2 in those regions.
The operator says lockdown is costing it $1m a day in profit but it is paying back almost $7m of the wage subsidy it received last year.
However, the casino and hotel operator says its normalised profit and revenue are up.
The patrons and staff are all considered close contacts and should self-isolate.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has closed its New Zealand casinos but is keeping its Auckland hotels open to accommodate existing guests following the national Covid-19 alert level 4 lockdown.
The SkyCity Adelaide casino will re-open today after South Australian government ended a seven day lockdown in the city overnight.
SkyCity closes its Adelaide casino as the city moves into a week-long lockdown.
SkyCity says it is “prudent to have a buffer” between Fletcher’s current delivery date of late 2024 and the project’s deadline.
Unite Union is calling on SkyCity to increase pay rates by at least $2 per hour to provide a living wage for its employees.
The operator says normalised FY21 earnings could reach $253m.
New appointees take up posts 8 June.
SkyCity’s Adelaide business is under investigation by Australia’s financial watchdog.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has set an interest rate for its $125m bond offering of no less than the minimum of 3.00% per annum.
The new feature will be unveiled on Wednesday 12 May
Delivery of the beleaguered NZICC has been pushed back again, this time to 2024.
Auckland’s Sky Tower will be lit red with a giant poppy projected on its southeast side on Sunday 25 April for ANZAC Day.
Capex on the NZICC and Horizon Hotel development is likely past its peak, says the global ratings agency.
Change affects 8.63% of voting power in casino operator, effective 12 April.
Decision follows strategic review of its international business as indicated in half year result.
SkyCity Entertainment Group is appointing three new directors to its board group, pending approval.
Downtown Auckland skyline loses icon briefly to raise awareness on biodiversity and climate change
SkyCity has reopened its Auckland casino and entertainment facilities without restrictions.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has re-opened its Auckland casino and facilities.
Auckland’s Sky Tower will light up purple tonight for this year’s International Women’s Day in support of diversity and inclusion in New Zealand.
SkyCity’s online gaming business is booming, with the operator’s new boss bringing a ton of experience in the field.
The operator says its revenue was dragged down by weaker tourism-related business during the pandemic.
SkyCity Auckland will be hosting a free ’90s themed Federal Street Party this evening to celebrate 25 years in operation.
Three international appointments fill gaps left by recent executive departures at the hotel and entertainment group.
Richard Smyth is the fourth senior executive to announce his departure from SkyCity in three months.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has confirmed its fireworks display will once again bring in the New Year from Auckland’s Sky Tower.
SkyCity Entertainment Group has won the diversity and inclusion leadership award at the 2020 Deloitte Top 200 Awards.
SkyCity Entertainment says its Adelaide casino and entertainment facilities are no longer subject to a maximum capacity limit of 100 people.
SkyCity chairman Rob Campbell told investors and analysts that the departure of chief executive Graeme Stephens was not unusual or entirely unexpected.
Chief executive Graeme Stephens is among a trio of senior leaders leaving the operator.