27th March 2023 Motels
The 1,585 square metre motel and land package comprises 25 units and includes a 33-bed backpackers wing and a two-bedroom first floor apartment, both of which are under long-term lease.
Motive Group has acquired the HOST Accommodation Group network, which comprises seven motels and motor lodges around New Zealand.
Motels can never be a home for children and the current system is failing them, says The Office of the Children’s Commissioner.
A government-led accord to reduce emergency housing reliance on motels in Rotorua has been met with support from the city’s mayor, Tania Tapsell.
Taupō residents can expect to see a continued heightened police presence in the township as detectives continue to investigate the death of a man at the Adelphi Motel Sunday morning.
Recent motel sales is a reflection of the confidence investors have in New Zealand’s tourism sector, says Bayleys.
A Givealitte fundraising page has been set up to help moteliers whose businesses “are on the brink of collapse”.