Hospitality New Zealand has welcomed the appeal of the High Court decision to support the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate, saying it is “unfair, inequitable and very poor public policy”.
The industry group will take its battle against Auckland Council’s APTR to the Court of Appeal.
NZ needs a “cohesive, carefully constructed, financially prudent and sustainable nation-wide approach” to accommodation regulations and infrastructure funding.
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Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development has established a new six-strong committee to oversee the city’s $26m visitor activities which are now part-funded by an accomodation tax.
Members of Auckland’s accommodation sector have begun a High Court challenge to the legality of the council’s targeted rate.
The new version of the targeted rate on accommodation providers proposed in the Auckland Council’s draft Long-Term Plan is still inefficient and ill-conceived, says TIA.
The hotel industry is hitting back at the introduction of Auckland council’s controversial accommodation targeted rate by initiating a judicial review.
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Auckland mayor Phil Goff’s proposed accommodation targeted rate surcharge has been declared “illegal” by the Tourism Industry Aotearoa.
The Auckland Mayor’s office is offering to replace the controversial targeted rate on commercial accommodation providers, but wants the sector to wear the substantial cost for a year.
Talk of a compromise targeted accommodation rate that excludes camping grounds, backpackers and motels on the fringe of the city is underway at Council but not in a way that includes the tourism industry and business and may result in a response that is flawed and potentially illegal.
Conventions and Incentives New Zealand is adding its voice in opposition to Auckland’s proposed targeted rate hike for commercial accommodation providers.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff’s proposed targeted accommodation rate is losing council support.
Auckland’s “poorly designed” targeted rate has been slammed as a “disaster” with “massive unintended consequences” in a raft of industry submissions.
Auckland Council’s proposed $28 million targeted rate on commercial accommodation would have massive unintended consequences for the city and must be dropped.
Ahead of the consultation period on the measure drawing to a close on 27th March who fared best from the latest round in the ring?
A targeted visitor tax imposed at New Zealand’s border is the fairest way to ensure tourists contribute to cover costs of their visit.
The Tourism Industry Association’s Chris Roberts questions the fairness of Auckland mayor Phil Goff’s proposed targeted accommodation rate, which could see some operators hit with rate increases of 250% or more.
A month-long consultation period on Auckland Mayor Phil Goff’s proposal for an accommodation targeted rate opened this week.
Hotels currently under refurbishment and new hotels are faced with massive cost increases long-term because of mayor Phil Goff’s accommodation targeted rate.