Land Information New Zealand says it is doing its best to provide an answer to Kiwi Water Park over road safety responsibilities and requirements.
Kiwi Water Park served 30,000 customers last summer but may not be able to return.
Public Access New Zealand has launched legal proceedings against Land Information New Zealand to allow for all-year access in the Molesworth reserve in the Marlborough region.
Ensuring campers do not stay longer than they are allowed at its four free-to-use campsites at Lake Dunstan will be a key focus for Land Information New Zealand this summer season.
A new area for skiing, tramping and mountain biking could be made available to visitors, with submissions now open on the tenure review of New Zealand’s largest high country pastoral lease, Glenaray Station in Southland.
Campsites at Lake Dunstan in Central Otago will have additional toilets and increase rubbish removal in a bid to cope with the influx of campers expected this summer season.
Land Information New Zealand has announced the members of its new South Island High Country Advisory Group.