Regional tourism organisations and industry stakeholders have welcomed the government’s plan to invest in a new national destination management team.
Why the sector needs to be reviewed with new governance and a sustainable funding model developed.
The regional tourism system needs to be overhauled to help address the root causes of long-standing challenges and not just symptoms, according to a new industry report.
NZ’s funding of its tourism system should be re-examined and questions asked about how RTOs will be able to fund destination management.
More than 110 inbound tour operators and agents have converged on Auckland’s Crowne Plaza over the last two days for the annual Regional Tourism New Zealand inbound event.
Hipkins should consider the economic forces, potential funding issues and the importance of sustainability to the industry, says TECNZ.
The RTO association chair says Kiwis still want to see growth in tourism, but it needs to be managed.
Jet ski tours, lake cruises, and new hotels were among the products launched during the pandemic and showcased at Regional Tourism New Zealand’s ITO trade event this week.
The country’s first destination management event has started at Waitangi, Bay of Islands, with formulating strategy the theme of the inaugural residential wānanga.
Destination management plans present a unique challenge for RTOs.
RTNZ is looking to make the most of the financial resources won over the course of the pandemic in anticipation of the visitor economy and member regional tourism organisations moving past the crisis.
Ives will depart about the same time as TIA boss Chris Roberts, which means the loss of leaders at two major industry bodies at a crucial time for the sector.
One of the key challenges for RTOs is making sure government funding does not run out at the end of 2022.
A second nationwide lockdown would be devastating to operators, say industry groups.
The Government ’s $20.2m package to support regional tourism organisations through the Covid-19 recovery acknowledges the significant role they play in the sector, says Regional Tourism New Zealand.
A lack of funding at smaller RTOs could mean some regions will not be able to fully participate in the drive to boost domestic demand, says Regional Tourism New Zealand executive officer Charlie Ives.
The sector has an opportunity to change the way it operates, say tourism groups.
The primary recipients will be the destination marketing bodies at Rotorua, Queenstown, Christchurch and Auckland.
WellingtonNZ’s GM of regional development, destination and attraction on the challenges ahead for RTNZ.
Charlie Ives, executive officer of Regional Tourism NZ, assesses the industry’s achievements in 2018.
Regional Tourism NZ held its first ever awards last night with the country’s RTOs recognised for their work.
Regional Tourism New Zealand has praised the collaborative efforts that propelled Hawke’s Bay Tourism to last week’s industry alignment win at the New Zealand Tourism Awards.
Davis will not consider returning a portion of GST revenue earned from international visitors back to the tourism industry, says Regional Tourism New Zealand.
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Funds from the proposed International Border Levy should be committed solely to conservation and the regions should have the power to implement their own levies, says Regional Tourism New Zealand.
A few “bad apples” are giving freedom camping a bad name when most people are well behaved, says Regional Tourism New Zealand.